Amhara Professionals Union’s (APU) Statement on the Imprisonment of Dr. Gashu Kindu by the Ethiopian Government

Amhara Professionals Union (APU) has released the following statement on the imprisonment of Dr. Gashu Kindu by the Ethiopian government. 

APU appreciates your effort to share our statement with your contacts. Thank you!

To read the statement, please click below. 

2017, The Year of Great Action!

A civic organization that is bringing together Amhara professionals from all walks of life and from all over the world, Amba - Amhara Professionals Union, wishes the new year, 2017, to be a year of great action. As we all aspire to witness a new dawn of hope for freedom, equality and justice in Ethiopia, we must also realize that our efforts alone are not always sufficient to bring in the changes we all hope to see.

2017, The Year of Great Action!

A civic organization that is bringing together Amhara professionals from all walks of life and from all over the world, Amba - Amhara Professionals Union, wishes the new year, 2017, to be a year of great action. As we all aspire to witness a new dawn of hope for freedom, equality and justice in Ethiopia, we must also realize that our efforts alone are not always sufficient to bring in the changes we need.

የጣና በለስ ታሪካዊ የልማት ፕሮጀክት፤ ከመፈራረስና ውድመት እስከ መሸጥ

                                  የጣና በለስ ታሪካዊ የልማት ፕሮጀክት፤ ከመፈራረስና ውድመት እስከ መሸጥ (The Promise of Tana-Beles Project: From Destruction to its Imminent Sale by Ethiopia’s TPLF/EPRDF Led Regime)

• የጣና በለስ ፕሮጀክት አጭር ታሪክ

• የጣና በለስ ፕሮጀክት ልማታዊ ግቦች/ህልሞች ምን ነበሩ?

• የጣና በለስ ፕሮጀክት በአፄው ስርዓት ተጠንስሶ፥ በደርግ አብቦ፥ በህወ ት/ኢህአዴግ እንዴትና ለምን ፈራረሰ?

• ዛሬ በጣና በለስ ላይ የተጋረጠው አዲስ እና አስደንጋጭ አደጋስ ምንድን ነው? መፍትሄውስ?



አምባ/Amhara Professionals Union - Introduction

The cradle of mankind and ancient civilization, Ethiopia is home to many ethnic groups with diverse culture and tradition. The Amhara people are one of the largest ethnic groups and have a long history of living in peace, harmony and mutual respect with other people. Like all other Ethiopians, the people of Amhara have played a significant role in protecting and preserving Ethiopia's interests including its sovereignty and territorial integrity. They have paid the ultimate sacrifice in the fight for freedom, democracy and rule of law.

Amhara Professionals Union (APU/አምባ)

Amhara Professionals Union (APU/አምባ)

Our Vision

Amba envisions a united, prosperous, and democratic Ethiopia where the God-given rights of freedom, justice and equality are guaranteed for all its citizens and the Amhara people have equitable participation at all sectors.

Our Mission

Amba endeavors to empower the Amhara people to fulfill and protect their political, social and economic rights in a united Ethiopia.